This page contains useful links to learn Network Simulator (NS2), Network Animator (NAM) and implementation of NS-2 for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee LR-WPANs

NS2 :

  1. Install NS2.31 for ubuntu 7.10 https://alkautsarpens.wordpress.com/2008/02/05/install-ns231-for-ubuntu-gutsy-710/
  2. Tutorial for network simulator http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/tutorial/
  3. The network simulator http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/
  4. NS manual http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/doc/index.html
  5. NS by example http://nile.wpi.edu/NS/
  6. NS2 – workshops, tutorials, presentations http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-tutorial/index.html
  7. NS2 contributed code http://nsnam.isi.edu/nsnam/index.php/Contributed_Code
  8. http://ns-2.blogspot.com/
  9. Workshop on NS-2 – http://www.wns2.org
  10. NS2 Learning Guide
  11. How to interprete the NS2 tracefile
  12. NS Simulator course for beginners
  13. NS-2 Resource page
  14. Network analyzer for NS-2
  15. NS2.26 Source Original Documentation
  16. About Packet delays
  17. NS nam search : http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/htdig/search.html
  18. Pedro Vale FAQ NS2 Tips
  19. Zigbee/IEEE 802.15.4 Module for NS2 simulator : http://www.cs.uwm.edu/~mukul/wpan.html
  20. How to evaluate MPEG video transmission using the NS2 simulator?
  21. NS2.33 Documentation
  22. NS2 Visual Trace Analyzer: http://nsvisualtraceanalyzer.wordpress.com/


  1. Network Animator http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/nam/

NS2 for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee LR-WPANs :

  1. Simulation of IEEE 802.15./ZigBee With NS-2
  2. IEEE 802.15.4 Mac Implementation in NS-2
  3. Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs) NS-2 Platform
  4. Simulative Investigation of ZigBee/802.15.4


  1. The GNU AWK user’s guide
  2. http://www.gnuplot.info/
  3. Demo Script gnuplot – http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/demo_4.2/


  1. Tutorial OTCL : http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/research/cmt/cmtdoc/otcl/tutorial.html

Trace File :

  1. NS-2 Trace Formats : http://nsnam.isi.edu/nsnam/index.php/NS-2_Trace_Formats
  2. The example Awk file for 802.15.4 : http://www.ifn.et.tu-dresden.de/~marandin/ZigBee/scripts.html
  3. The example Awk file for 802.11 (using cbr packet) : http://zbinwu.blogspot.com/2010/10/analyze-ns-2-trace-file.html

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